Definita cuvantului belleisle
BELLE ISLE [bel-il], str. în Oc. Atlantic, între Pen. Labrador și Ins. Newfoundland, despărțind G. Sf. Laurențiu de Oc. Atlantic. Lungime: 130 km. Lățime: 20 km. Navigație dificilă.

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Cuvinte ce rimeaza cu belleisle
TÉLE2 s. f. televiziune. (< fr. télé) Vezi definitia »
While the word „algebra” comes from Arabic word (al-jabr , الجبر), its origins can be traced to the ancient Babylonians,[1] who developed an advanced arithmetical system with which they were able to do calculations in an algebraic fashion. With the use of this system they were able to apply formulas and calculate solutions for unknown values for a class of problems typically solved today by using linear equations, quadratic equations, and indeterminate linear equations. Vezi definitia »
puzzle (angl.) [pron. pázăl] s. n., art. puzzle-ul; pl. puzzle-uri Vezi definitia »
ștucuréle s.n. pl. (înv. și reg.) bucățele, fragmentuțe, porțioare. Vezi definitia »
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