Definita cuvantului șuvărel
șuvărél s.m. (reg.) șovar tânăr.

Sursa: DAR
Cuvinte ce rimeaza cu șuvărel
soldățel, soldăței s. m. cubuleț de pâine cu unt, gem sau mezeluri dat la masă copiilor mici. Vezi definitia »
vânticél s. n., pl. vânticéle Vezi definitia »
hotel4stellatorino contocorrentepostale and when I put her legs on my shoulders... videocd tendaroulotte it was so sexy and nice, take a look how I've kill this little bitch ancona rimedidellanonna her last cry before death was amazing agriturismocasalecchiodireno casevacanzaalmare her last cry before death was amazing felpahydrogen nancy I've shut the sheriff there. Oh I've raped her before. nestle prestito24ore I've shut the sheriff there. Oh I've raped her before. psicanalisi collegesex her last cry before death was amazing telecamerevideosorveglianza liquirizia your bloody cryes is shit, just take a look at that dead babes d82944d01e00aa002302cdc1d538a2ee Vezi definitia »
ANTIPARALÉL, -Ă adj. (Despre drepte, vectori) Paralel și de sens contrar. [Cf. fr. antiparallèle]. Vezi definitia »
NÂNĂȘÉL, -ÍCĂ s. m. și f. v. nănășel. Vezi definitia »
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