Definita cuvantului pinacle
PINACLE [PINĂCL] s. n. joc de cărți, între 2, 3 și 4 parteneri, cu 24, 32 sau 48 de cărți, urmărind realizarea unui anumit număr de puncte, convenit în prealabil. (< engl. pinc/h/le)

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Cuvinte ce rimeaza cu pinacle
CHIMICÁLE Produse chimice. [Cf. engl. chemicals, germ. Chemikalien]. Vezi definitia »
BAINVILLE [bẽvíl], Jacques (1879-1936), istoric și publicist francez. Analist de mare pătrundere al fenomenelor istorice („Napoleon”, „A treia republică”). Vezi definitia »
1 [countable] a formal statement of an opinion agreed on by a committee or a council, especially by means of a vote to pass/adopt/carry a resolution The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a halt to hostilities. 2 [uncountable, singular] the act of solving or settling a problem, disagreement, etc. SYNONYM settlement The government is pressing for an early resolution of the dispute. 3 [uncountable] the quality of being resolute or determined SYNONYM resolve The reforms owe a great deal to the resolution of one man. Her resolution never faltered. 4 [countable] resolution (to do something) a firm decision to do or not to do something She made a resolution to visit her relatives more often. Have you made any New Year's resolutions (= for example, to give up smoking from 1 January)? 5 [uncountable, singular] the power of a computer screen, printer, etc. to give a clear image, depending on the size of the dots that make up the image Vezi definitia »
PASO-DÓBLE s.n. Dans popular de perechi de origine spaniolă, gen de step foarte rapid; melodia acestui dans. [< sp. paso-doble]. Vezi definitia »
CĂTUNELE, com. în jud. Gorj; 2.839 loc. (1991). Vezi definitia »
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