Definita cuvantului transcendentism
TRANSCENDENTÍSM s. n. nume generic dat doctrinelor filozofice care admit transcendența divină. (< fr. transcendantisme)

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Cuvinte ce rimeaza cu transcendentism
MICROTRAUMATÍSM s. n. (med.) traumatism ușor. (< fr. microtraumatisme) Vezi definitia »
NESTORIANÍSM s.n. Doctrina nestorienilor. [Pron. -ri-a-. / < fr. nestorianisme]. Vezi definitia »
LIRÍSM s.n. Conținut liric; inspirație, atitudine lirică. [Cf. fr. lyrisme]. Vezi definitia »
UTOPÍSM s.n. Credință în idealuri utopice, irealizabile. [< germ. Utopismus]. Vezi definitia »
Triumphalism is the attitude or belief that a particular doctrine, culture, or social system is superior to and should triumph over all others. Triumphalism is not an articulated doctrine but rather a general characterization that is often attached to systems by third parties such as social scientists. The term is sometimes used to refer to relatively inconsequential behavior, such as excessively demonstrative glee at the defeat or failure of a rival. Humans experience triumphalism in this recreational form as collective pride (i.e., school spirit) or in sports fanaticism (â??Weâ??re Number One!â??). Vezi definitia »
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